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An India Customer Sent A Satisfaction Feedback To Me With The Installed Bicycle Frame Photo, Would You Like To Know The Detail Story?

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-04-23      Origin: Site

An India Customer sent a satisfaction feedback to me with the installed bicycle frame photo, I am so happy to receive this email.

The frame he bought is for his 12 years' leg disable daughter is a pedal forward titanium bike frame. In order to make it strong, we use the thicker tubes with the protective bars on each side of the bike.  

He bought the titanium bike frame, adjustable stem, handle bar and front fork.

It is really a very beautiful, nice bicycle.

Complete titanium MOuntain bike frame from XACDTitanium Children Bicycle Frame with 2017 NEW design

By XACD ti bike team


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