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Titanium Bike Frame Should Be Fitting

Views: 57     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-04-22      Origin: Site

Why Bike Fitting?

Anyone who plans to spend any length of time (more than 8km ride) riding a bike will benefit greatly from a bike fitting:

Improve overall rider comfort and efficiency

Reduce back, knee, neck or wrist pain

Reduce saddle discomfort, hands, fingers or genital numbness

WE DESIGN THE TITANIUM BIKE FRAMES TO FIT TO YOU; Fitting is all about your bicycle interfacing properly with your body and riding goals, not the other way around.


Saddle Height

Saddle height is arguably the most important measurement for cyclists. It’s key because it impacts your comfort level, your ability to crank out watts, and your knee health. 


Reach to Your Handlebars

Handlebar reach is simply the distance you reach from your saddle to your handlebars.


Saddle Setback

“Improper saddle position can lead to serious issues,” Lazarski says. If your saddle position isn’t dialed, you run the risk of numbness in your nether regions, while also being at a higher risk for injury and discomfort. 



And before you leave your bike fit session, ask the fitter to write down these key measurements for you!

By XACD ti bike team


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